
Digital Business Card

Iron Source is creating Digital Business Cards for select employees. It is made of PVC with an embedded NFC chip. When “tapped” to a mobile phone, it will transfer your vCard (contact info). To see how it works, watch this video: https://youtu.be/xWZwCh4z990

On the back of the card, there will be a QR code with your vCard info. If for some reason, the tap and transfer method doesn’t work, they can scan the code with their camera or QR scanner app to receive your vCard. There are a few scenarios where the tap and transfer method might not work, such as poor Internet connection, NFC is not enabled on their phone, or another security restriction.

Please complete the form below to have your new Digital Business Card setup.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Meghan at 302-241-5695.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Max file size: 300 MB | If an image is not uploaded, the Iron Source logo will be used as your profile photo.